To those two or three people who seem to be reading this on a regular basis - thank you! I know that it's not too exciting, especially with no pictures, but honestly it's very freeing to me not to be worrying about the visual side of things. Maybe someday I'll pick that back up, but for now I'm really enjoying the simple act of writing.
Anyway, I am officially back in the swing of things, and starting to feel pretty good again (or at least as good as 7 month pregnant lady can feel!).
My food in the last few days has been quite simple, and predominantly made of things I've grown myself. It's such a great feeling to be able to get such nourishment from my own backyard. I put very little effort into the garden this year - that plus the drought make it quite an unexpected reward.
Instead of a real breakfast, these last few days I've been really just snacking all morning. It seems to be a good way to keep my energy up. Yesterday I had a piece of leftover cornbread with honey before work, and then throughout the morning and early afternoon: another piece of cornbread with butter, a hard boiled egg, an apple, some milk, and then another apple with a nice hunk of bandaged cheddar. That got me through the work day pretty well.
Yesterday I made a wonderful (if haphazard) dinner, which just illustrates yet again that you really can throw almost anything together, top it with cheese, stick it in the oven, and it turns out delicious. I baked a bunch of garden potatoes until they were cooked but still firm, sliced them, and put them in a pan with some sliced bell peppers and a layer of chopped kale (both from the garden). I quickly threw together s sauce of ground beef, stewed tomatoes (garden tomatoes simmered in the crock pot overnight), home-grown basil and onions, and a little dab of heavy cream. The sauce got poured over the potatoes and veggies, and I topped it with a healthy layer of Mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. Popped it into the oven and baked it for about 30 minutes and voila! My husband named it Potato-sagna.
Today was an apple for breakfast, and then mid-morning I had a big portion of leftovers from the night before. I always have a lot of fruit to snack on at work, being that I manage an organic produce department and all, so I was able to make it until dinner without getting hungry. I have a yoga class on Wednesday evenings, so dinner was a quick affair after I got home - a big apple pancake (just a whole wheat pancake using local flour, milk, eggs, and apple pieces) and two fried eggs. I splurged a little afterward with a mug of Oaxacan hot chocolate (not local, but I do have an exception for what's already in the pantry and I've had the hot chocolate since our trip to Mexico in March).
I found out on Monday at my Doctor's appointment that apparently my uterus is measuring too big for 27 weeks pregnant. Someone at work thought maybe given all the good food I've been eating, that I'm having a super baby. I like that!
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